Private Cloud

A private cloud is a new model for IT delivery. It transforms datacenter resources to enable the key benefits of cloud computing. The phrase used to describe a cloud computing platform that is implemented within the corporate firewall, under the control of the IT department. A private cloud is designed to offer the same features and benefits of public cloud systems, but removes a number of objections to the cloud computing model including control over enterprise and customer data, worries about security, and issues connected to regulatory compliance.
CargoNet Private Cloud based Freight Software

Cargonet Safe Server

CargoNet Safe Server Freight Forwarding Sofware

Difference b/w Private & Public Cloud

Private Cloud

Public Cloud

Virtualization in private Cloud

Virtualization has profoundly changed the IT industry, and the technology will continue to have an impact as it matures and evolves. Introduction to Virtualization, covers the basics of the technology for IT professionals who want to reap the benefits of virtualization in their data centers. In addition to the basics of virtualization technology, the covers disaster recovery (DR), server consolidation, testing and development, high availability, storage, security.

Cost reduced using Private Cloud

Cloud computing is starting to impact on companies’ bottom line.
As you know, cloud computing means using hardware and software ‘in the cloud’ to meet your organization’s specific needs – what the industry also calls ‘Software as a Service’, or Saas.
Yes, there are genuine concerns about using the cloud – I outline how to minimize these later – but there are also 3 important benefits
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